Dynamic North East

The North East is a fantastic region in which to live and work

Yet our places face many of the same challenges that we see across the country; challenges that have in many cases been accelerated by the pandemic

What is needed?

We must reimagine what our places are for and revitalise them as centres of economic activity. Our towns and cities play a vital role in connecting communities but more must be done to make them accessible to all and to bring businesses back. We need to create the right environment for smaller retailers but also for innovative start-ups, charity and community activities to ensure that town centres are dynamic, interactive spaces fit for the future.

We need to ensure that the recovery process acknowledges the enormous impact of the pandemic on sectors such as hospitality, leisure, culture and tourism. These sectors must continue to be supported to stimulate regeneration, to enhance quality of life in our region and to engage with every community in the North East.

Housing and development projects will play a crucial role in regenerating areas and creating job opportunities. The North East needs a fair share of any stimulus capital for projects to help drive economic growth.  Housing and development strategies need to be aligned with the region’s jobs and infrastructure to create attractive accessible places.

We need a joined-up approach across the region to ensure that ambitious strategies create the right mix of housing type and tenure, helping everyone to access quality housing.

We have an opportunity to build a green recovery. This needs to be at the heart of our approach to promoting green spaces and regeneration in the region with the North East seen as an international exemplar for sustainable development.

The North East needs:

  • Supportive environments and sustainable business support for independent start-ups in town centres
  • To repurpose key spaces in towns and cities to ensure they are effectively used to stimulate footfall and economic growth
  • Support for the culture, arts and hospitality sectors recognising their key role in regeneration and improving the quality of life in the region
  • Housing and development need to be a key part of the Government’s ‘levelling up’ agenda to drive economic growth and regenerate areas. We need to refurbish and retrofit outdated housing stock to make the region attractive to live in

Our commitment: regeneration and place

The regeneration of places in the region will be necessary if the North East is to continue to be an attractive place to live and work.

The Chamber will work with its membership to provide support for independent start-ups in town centres to help businesses to grow and create attractive places for visitors. We will also showcase our cultural assets which will be crucial in attracting footfall and helping to bring larger exhibitions and events to the North East, enhancing the quality of life in the region.

We will ensure that regeneration in the region can be both quick and sustainable. We will work with our members to promote digital innovation, modern methods of construction and new technology around retrofitting to help housing and development projects progress and making the region an exemplar for sustainable development.

“A vibrant high street is crucial to the wellbeing of our local communities, never more so as we confront the challenges posed by the pandemic. Together, we each have a role to play in re-shaping our town centres and in helping them become the diverse, accessible, multi-functional hubs that will energise our communities through recovery and beyond.”

Andrew Haigh, Chief Executive – Newcastle Building Society

Get involved in our Stronger North East campaign by emailing [email protected]

Campaigning for a Stronger North East

Our mission is not just to repair the damage done to our economy in recent months. It is to come back stronger. We must correct historic unfairness, tackle inequalities and show the world what we are capable of. The North East is a fantastic, unique place with enormous economic potential. Through collective endeavour, and with the right support, we know that potential is within our reach.

To get involved with our Stronger North East campaign, email [email protected]


Global North East

Businesses in our region are recognised around the world for their quality, service and innovation.


Influential North East

The Chamber will work with businesses and stakeholders across our region to build a campaign that shouts about our potential and the many great reasons to invest here.


Working North East

Everyone in our region must be able to access high quality employment and training opportunities, regardless of their background or personal circumstances


Competitive North East

To recover and grow, we need to improve the financial health of our businesses to put them in the best possible position to capitalise on any new opportunities.


Connected North East


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